
martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

Can Mexican politicians become part of the solution instead of origin of the problems?

   Mexican politicians are not disastrous on purpose, they are disastrous because of their ignorance and insensibility.
   In fact, many politicians think that they are useful and in some way needed, many among them jump into politics to become parasites; this last is not a vocational characteristic of politicians, but comes from the Conquerors' and Defeated’s syndromes, which give them authorization to benefit from the work of others, and to accept with pitiful submission any order from their superiors without questioning its morality or legality.
   Politicians of all tendencies integrate the political class. They group around a leader who has a high position in government or has a high possibility of being nominated to a governmental position.
   Membership in a political group can be acquired through friendship, family ties or audacity. Each member wants to get a job, keep the job he already has, or secure a new job when his current leader happens to go to a new position or decides to retire.
   These groups, like carnivals, gather clowns and kings in the same show.
   Politicians get a job and know that it will last, if they are lucky, until their boss stays in office. Convinced that they will eventually be unemployed, they concentrate on increasing their income by any means and have no commitment to their work.
   In any organization, including the government, the high turnover of personnel has as a consequence, the lack of continuity in projects and the waste of experience.
   That is why from long ago, governments have implemented regulations to separate politicians from government performance. In modern times it was in 1929, in the Netherlands, where they designed a Civil Service Career System that for the first time clearly aimed at that purpose.
   By 2003, México was the only member of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), that had not yet implemented a Civil Service Career.
   Mexican politicians moved by their ambivalence of conquerors and defeated were quick and superficial. They produced in 2003 a law for the Civil Service Career applicable only to the Federal Government that covers from the Area Directors down.
   The law is not respected and at all levels (federal, state, city, or county) the new appointees take all job positions under their control, as a bounty to distribute among friends, family and followers.
   New employees so recruited, in order to keep in place, follow the unwritten rules of closing the eyes, let go, and keep quiet.
   At this point it seems ridiculous to expect politicians to evolve towards something better, but I have the feeling that such a miracle is possible.
   Most politicians come from decent Mexican families, and many are the first in their genealogy to join politics, therefore, they have better moral bases that what they show.
   Having so many newcomers is the reason for the stability of more than eighty years of the political system that, thanks to its remarkable permeability, allows to all those who wish to start a political career to do so.
   In fact, becoming a politician is easier than joining the mafia. The main difference is that the political system demands more patience and the mafia is always dangerous.
   Retaking the idea that Mexican politicians can become a plus instead of a problem, I have sensed that they share with the rest of the population the hope for a better México, yet, unfortunately they are influenced by a political system, that for a long time, has turned liars and traitors into examples of success.
   On the other hand, Mexican society, like all societies, has increased its capacity for criticism and communication, faster than ever, thanks to social electronic networks.
   Now politicians are exposed in ways never imagined.
   Politicians can prevent a newspaper or magazine from being printed or distributed, yet cannot stop a tweet. They can hide from their own conscious, yet cannot hide from all those who have an electronic communication device.
   When government officials appear on social media as dishonest, corrupt, arbitrary, irresponsible, or ignorant of the issues for which they are responsible, they must consider whether their behavior will keep them in office or take them to jail.
   Politicians are being re-educated for the overwhelming force of public indignation driven by the technology of communications.
   An unexpected factor in the solution of Mexico’s problems is the new President of the Republic.
   Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been showing a profound knowledge of Mexico’s problems and is implementing real, sound and positive changes to make México a prosperous country where corruption shall no longer exist.
   So far he has induce an existential shock in politicians. Both his followers and opponents, can’t understand Lopez’s different way of doing things.
   Lopez Obrador’s inauguration was four months ago and the population is now giving him more support than when he was elected, and it is very possible that the political class will follow his lead.
   He has the opposition of rival political parties, that is normal and even desirable, yet, the biggest threat to his project is the Politicians Sub-culture that includes his followers and opponents.
   México needs a cultural revolution, and only a non-violent approach is likely to succeed. Violence will only benefit the continuity of the state of affairs.
   The only way to move forward is the institutional way, and Lopez Obrador seems to be well aware of that. I wish him the best of successes.
   End government inefficiency and eradicate corruption, may well reduce insecurity, unemployment and migration, in the short term.
   To assure viability to Mexico’s economy in the mid and long terms, needs much more than a cultural revolution. We will look into this matter in the next chapter.
   I am compelled to conclude that politicians are the only ones who can save the country. This is a strange statement, because it suggests that politicians may be willing to solve the problems that benefit them.
   It seems pointless to think that politicians will reeducate themselves for good only because they have been exposed on social networks or because a charismatic leader talks them in.
   It may not happen, but other ways to induce change, such as drastic actions or violent confrontations, are out of question, because when such things begin they tend to stay for ever.
   So, if it is impossible for politicians to be re-educated by the pressure of the people or the teachings of a leader, and the option of a mass purge is not advisable, the only reasonable statement to define the future of the Political Subculture is:
   The future of the Mexican Political Class, places its members as the worst possible pandemic in history or as the saviors of the Nation. Everything will depend on the common objective chosen, which may be the current one, of using power to benefit oneself, or the implementation of a solid project to save México.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

Why do Mexicans pay so high interest rates?

   We are about to look into the second most important cause of insecurity, unemployment, and migration.
   Before that, let’s review the overall situation.
   The main characters in the drama of the failed project of Mexican development are politicians, foreign investors and banks, and their culpability is only circumstantial.
   Politicians have done everything possible in their power. The fact of they don’t having the attitude, ability or honesty to do their duties, is not their fault, but the various events that began with the discovery of America.
   Foreign investors are not to blame for being on the winner’s side, their task was to negotiate, and if they made easy deals it’s not their fault.
   The banks are now mostly own by international consortiums, and are taking advantage of the situation as it existed before of them. The now extinct Mexican banks were as insensitive as current banks.
   After this brief introduction, find next.

   Originally, banks all around the world had the sole objective of increasing their clients’ money by financing successful businesses.
   It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that banks focused on the market of people with cash flow problems and began lending money for non-productive activities or goods, such as vacations, clothing, scholarships, and etcetera.
   Then in mid twentieth century, banks invented the “credit cards” and began the era of anguish for debtors and glory for banks.
   As of that moment, the loans for the purchase of food, household appliances, consumable for the home, and all kind of non-productive goods, have been increasing in number and money. Consequently, banks, instead of having the priority of contributing to economic growth, are now promoting the increase in the cost of living.
   In Mexico, banks and stores can charge total annual costs of more than 100% of the original loan. In addition, as in most underdeveloped countries, in México there are no regulations to prevent financial institutions from cheating customers into believing that they can improve their lives, by buying consumables with borrowed money. 
   Mexicans are very responsible and pay their debts until the liquidation or until the collapse of their finances, if this second possibility occurs, it is common that by then the bank has already recovered the loan and obtained reasonable profits. Banks or stores shall follow their nature and will not agree with the "reasonable", they will do everything to get extra benefits.
   Now let’s review how this relates to insecurity, unemployment, and emigration.
   Being persecuted by debt collectors is really disturbing, but when the reason for nonpayment is the loss of your job, the issue becomes a major problem. 
   The day after your failing payment, your creditor puts you in the list of “dishonorable debtors”, such status diminish your possibilities of getting a new job.
   When your experience gives you a managerial level, no one hires you, because banks and insurance companies will deny any possibility of doing business with you. Potential employers will not take the risk.
   So, the one who was once a respectable citizen is forced to do things he never intended to do, such as migrating to other country, or accepting a job without questioning whether it is legal or not.

   Politicians do not see the relationship between the cost of money and the empowerment of criminal organizations. They feel they have to show commitment to the welfare of their constituents, so when they discover that stress has become the most important cause of absenteeism, they decide to discuss on the advisability of having the Social Security System provide psychological help.
   They are far from understanding that more than 60% of working Mexicans are dealing with unpayable debts that leave them without sleep and in constant stress.
   Saving their voters from abusive loan and credit practices is not part of any politician's plan.

  To reject the first attempt was worthy, because now we know that the problems that politicians have made grow, can be solved, and that the solution is within the reach of politicians, regardless of their current alienation from reality.
   Here the new conclusion for this section.
   The participation of the Subculture of Politicians in the National Culture is total and deceptive. Total, because the politicians have shared culture and history for centuries with the entire population; It is deceptive, because politicians live in a superposition of alternative realities that prevent them from understanding what is happening and give them the intimate peace they need to justify their abuses.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

Why is it so difficult to succeed in Mexico with just your own effort?

   Mexico has a population of around 120 million, and 55 million are in poverty, that is, almost half of Mexicans do not have access to enough: nutrition, education, water, housing, medical care, security, or electricity. In some cases, they do not have access to services that are now considered basic (phone, radio, TV, internet, fuel for heating or cooking).
   Low income Mexicans are alienated from prosperous México.
   They are present in the plans of politicians only when they need them to vote.
   Most poor Mexicans have been poor for generations and the poor population has grown because opportunities have been growing at a lower rate than the population.
   Organized crime can recruit helpers among the poor because, in addition to the lack of opportunities, over the past thirty years, salaries for legal activities have grown less than the cost of living.
   Very few fall into temptation, most continue with the only life they know, many instead of joining illegal activities prefer to migrate to the United States where they are treated as criminals despite being necessary and very productive.
   The only possibility of improving the life of this Mexicans is to end what is causing insecurity, unemployment and migration.


   People start a business and get frustrated when they go bankrupt and lose job, money and dreams. When the reason for such a catastrophe is the way the government works, people face a reason to lose social commitment and respect for government and law. That is the seed of the most dangerous threat to any Nation.
   All kind of menaces come together to destroy productive projects, from cumbersome bureaucratic procedures to marches and tolerated disturbances that impede the free flow of customers and employees.
   The list of aggressions against productive activities is endless; it includes bribes to become a government vendor, receive payments, get a permit to operate, get a permit to build, or be saved from the discretionary application of the law.
   Many have suffer from these calamities, others have not, but know of one or more of them.
   Another thing that adds difficulties for Mexicans to succeed based solely on their effort and abilities, is the way in which politicians understand and promote foreign investment. They worship foreign capital as a panacea and it seems that they believe that the salvation of the country will come from abroad, so they give foreign investors everything they ask for and then more.
   Politicians announce the amount of investments from abroad as an achievement, but they do not say that such investments activate the economy of the country of origin more than the Mexican economy.
   Foreign investors, when building, contracting and training, buy overseas without import taxes, all pre-operational supplies, such as construction materials, furniture, machinery, tools, instruments, computers, software and, often, office supplies. Only the wages of construction workers remain in Mexico.
   Once in operation, these companies import the production inventory free of taxes, provided they export the final assembly.   
   In general, salaries for floor employees are low. The positions for supervisors and superiors are mostly occupied by expatriates.
   Domestic and foreign investments in industry and agriculture benefit macroeconomics, however, if they do not benefit microeconomics, the country will collapse in the long term.
   In Mexico most agriculture investments are having a negative effect on microeconomics.
   Transnational investments in agriculture compete with national production or introduce new products that replace traditional ones; they have the advantage of their technology to reduce the labor required and increase productivity. Small local farmers can not compete and have to sell or rent their land or stop working and migrate to large cities in México or elsewhere.
   Foreign investments are an excellent tool to improve people’s well-being, however, negotiations must guarantee equity, and Mexican politicians have demonstrated their lack of sensibility and skills to achieve “win-win” agreements.
   Some Mexicans receive excellent salaries when they work for transnational corporations, but they are so few that they do not change the figures of the economy. On the other hand, this privileged employees are influenced by a transculturation that makes them spend their money on imported products distributed by transnational franchises, so most of their money is not driving the local economy.
   Taxation is the same for Mexican and transnational corporations. Both foreign and local investors take advantage of any possibility, including abuse, to pay less taxes. Government officials grant more flexibility to transnational corporations.
   All above limits the healthy growth of industry and agriculture, creating difficulties for Mexicans to succeed.
   The Mexican economy faces another big problem. The credit and payment practices are designed to destroy the vendors’ finances.
   Vendors are a natural source of credit, yet, it is not their role to replace banks as financial institutions. In México they are forced to do it.
   The government and large corporations (national and transnational), follow inadequate credit and payment practices. They impose payment due dates, request bribes to expedite payments, and do not respect expiration dates.
   This unhealthy symbiosis of corporations and their suppliers comes from the inefficiency of financial institutions.
   Banks offer loans at rates of not less than 25%. In an economy where the most optimistic forecasts mentions a growth rate of 4%, it is difficult to imagine that any business can produce enough profits to pay interest, please shareholders, and grow. In such a situation, vendors become a less expensive source of credit.
   The solution to all the above requires decisions that politicians are not willing to make, because such decisions affect the “comfort zone” of the politicians themselves.
   For the government to respect the suppliers, the Political Class must change its attitude; banks are unlikely to align with more responsible credit practices; it is unthinkable that the buyers decide for themselves to be more empathetic with the vendors (I find it mandatory to mention that there are exceptions). The regulation of all this must be done by law.
   Politicians do not see or do not want to see that they are causing so many problems with their apathy and lack of commitment, so they do not feel that they have any responsibility for the increase in insecurity, unemployment and migration rates.
   Next we will see the second most important cause of Mexico's problems.


martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

Who are the Political Class? Why do politicians cheat so much? Why is there so much insecurity, migration, and unemployment?


History as it happened.
   Francisco Madero wrote the Plan of San Luis to overthrow Porfirio Diaz. He promised to defend the rights of rural workers and Native communities. He did not fulfill those commitments.
   Zapata felt betrayed, he wrote the Plan of Ayala against Madero and returned to war. Villa did not follow Zapata because Madero was very dear to him.
   Find below the most important paragraphs of the Plan of Ayala.
   "The Mexicans led by Don Francisco I. Madero shed their blood to conquer their freedom and claim their lost rights. The sacrifice of the Mexican people was not to empower a man who abandons the legal principles he promised to defend under the motto “Efficient Vote and No to Reelection”. The name of this person is Don Francisco I. Madero. He instigated an unwarranted war that caused bloodshed and innumerable disasters, which were useless, because his hidden reasons were his personal interest, his unmeasured ambition, his tyrannical instincts and his deep contempt for the law ... we declare the citizen Francisco I.  Madero incapacitated to fulfill the objectives of the Revolution that he initiated… due to the reasons mentioned, we decided to expel the citizen Francisco I. Madero from the Presidency of the Republic, and we commit ourselves to make it happen… the Nation is fed up with cheaters and liars who promise freedom and when in power they become tyrants…”
   Zapata fought against the federal army of Madero led by Victoriano Huerta.
   When Huerta betrayed Madero, that did not make any difference for Zapata, he just kept fighting. Now Villa followed Zapata to war moved by his hatred towards Huerta, who killed his beloved Madero.
   Carranza also fought against Huerta.
   Huerta resigned from the presidency, Carranza was named provisional president, and when he was in office he denied recognition to Eulalio Gutiérrez, who was elected president of the Republic at the convention convened by Carranza himself.
   Villa and Zapata returned to the war, now against Carranza.
   Zapata was killed in an ambush authorized by Álbaro Obregón, who was the Commander in Chief of Carranza's army.
   Villa agreed to demobilize his troops after the death of Carranza.

History as taught.
   Books and scholars mention that the “Plan of San Luis” fulfilled all its objectives. People are told that what caused poverty and injustice were the economic and political systems implemented by Diaz, and that Madero ended them.
   The official narrative suggest that the Plan of Ayala inspired the Revolution against Diaz, its text is not studied in schools. It is implied that Madero, Carranza, and Obregon, shared goals, and that they fought together with Zapata and Villa.
   Text books mention that later on Zapata and Villa fought against Carranza. Although without looking at the context and the transcendence of the issue.
History as it happened.
   The day after the coup of Huerta against Francisco I. Madero, the council of Concepción del Oro (in the Mexican state of Zacatecas) issued a declaration that says:
“… we reject the government of traitor General Victoriano Huerta. And we grant General Eulalio Gutierrez the rank of Supreme Chief of the Constitutionalist Army…”
   Madero was assassinated two days later, and all state governors, including Carranza, recognized the treaty between US Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, Victoriano Huerta and Felix Diaz, where they name Huerta president of Mexico.
   Carranza remained silent for two months, until the U.S. withdrew its recognition to Huerta.
   It was then that Carranza launched his Plan of Guadalupe to overthrow Huerta, naming himself Supreme Chief of the Constitutionalist Army (legitimate title of Eulalio Gutierrez).
History as taught.
   History does not mention Eulalio Gutierrez, and gives all merits to Venustiano Carranza.
   Also states that Carranza was the only one who reacted against the murder of Madero by Huerta, and took steps to restore democracy.

History as it happened.
   Porfirio Díaz resigned from the presidency SIX MONTHS after the proclamation of Madero, declaring that "... me keeping in office means more bloodshed, diminishing the nation's credit and wealth, dismantling its production facilities and exposing Mexico to the possibility of international conflicts"
   In November 1911 Madero became President of Mexico, he did not keep his promises and Zapata returned to war.
   Madero was murdered fifteen months after his inauguration and Huerta became president. Zapata continues fighting, Villa seeks revenge for Madero's murder, and Carranza fights to become President of México. All three fought Huerta for different reasons.
   In August 1914 Carranza becomes provisional President and calls for presidential elections.
   A convention for the election of a new president takes place in Aguascalientes.
   All revolutionary leaders (among them Zapata and Villa) were summoned.
   Eulalio Gutierrez (legitimate Chief of the Constitutionalist Army), was elected President of the Republic. Carranza did not recognized him and remains in office for nine years.
   Villa and Zapata fought Carranza for eight years.
   Villa begins the decline after been defeated by Obregón in an epic battle.
   Zapata was killed in an ambush authorized by Carranza.
   The followers of Obregon killed Carranza in May 1920.
   The war continued for NINE YEARS after Porfirio Díaz was overthrown. The casualties were almost two millions.

History as taught.
   Dates and events were scrambled or hidden.
   The official history says that Diaz was responsible for all the deaths of the revolution, and that Madero, Carranza, Villa, Zapata, and Obregón, shared the interest of freeing Mexico from the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz.
   The chronicles repeat again and again that, The Mexican people banished Diaz and stopped injustice and humiliations, fighting with pride and courage.  

   The previous description was "The involvement of the political class in Mexican culture, is that of an oligarchic group who distort historical events, to legitimate their ambitions"
   It was not satisfactory because it does not provide a basis for a viable solution.
   To find a better option I got involved in a deeper analysis of the history of the Mexican Revolution.
   I did so, I was overwhelmed by the lies and cynical statements of historians and politicians.
   Suddenly, I realized that the problem is not the way in which politicians distort history to legitimize themselves, but the way in which they behave.
   They have learned for generations that creating alternate realities gives them access to power, and then they feel they have the right to act as dictators, not as delegates of power.
   Additionally, they believe their own lies and can not see the truth, even if the truth spits them in the face.
   Politicians have distanced themselves from people and do not seem to realize that most of their lies have never been validated by popular common sense.
   Government speakers proclaimed "Thanks to the Revolution, farmers own the land they seed" farmers said: "We were better when we were worse off."
   Historians named Carranza "the defender of democracy", and people invented the verb "carrancear" which means to snatch without rights.
   The politicians said that "The Revolution provided well-being to the people", people insisted that when Díaz was in charge "they could tie dogs with longaniza (long pork sausage)", pointing out that even the dogs were well fed. Politicians launched a campaign to teach reading and writing, such campaign ended and the government declared that there were no more illiterates, now it is known that graduates of many government elementary schools are semi-illiterate.
   I had enough data and I stopped looking for more, I better tried to define the problem.
   I focused on what are more frequently mentioned as the most important problems of Mexico: Insecurity, unemployment, and migration.
   Some say that those are just symptoms. I liked the idea and began looking for the problem or problems causing such symptoms.
   I put together an answer, and let me tell you that I also found that everyone, except me, knew it.
   The origin of the problems of Mexico is the lack of commitment of the politicians.
   Now I see that it is obvious. I think I was unable to find the answer earlier because somehow I became infected with the superficiality of politicians.
   My next step was to ask the people around me to identify the cause of the problems Mexico was facing. I could not stop making fun of my presumptuous initial focus as social science researcher.
   I learned this:
   In México, the difficulty of succeeding only with one’s own effort and the greedy loans of banks and big stores, are the origins of insecurity, unemployment and migration.
   I felt as if I had discovered warm water. Now everything seems obvious.
   I had new and rich information to solve de enigma of the involvement of the Political Subculture in the Mexican Culture, but everything has to be reorganized.
  As I mentioned, all Mexicans are influenced by all subcultures (Native, Conquerors, Defeated, and Politicians). I discovered that those who, apart from not working in politics are more influenced by the Political Subculture, identify themselves as Civil Society.
   The members of this Civil Society, despite their profile, deny belonging to the Political Class, and stay away from Native Subcultures, except to help or sympathize with them.
   The story of this group begins when the government decides the cooptation of Civil Societies (civilians organized to run nurseries or to protect abandoned children, battered women, homeless people, victims of violence, people whose human rights were violated, etc.)
   At the end of the twentieth century the government began to sponsor and so moderate, all kinds of Civil Societies. The beneficiaries of this policy, instead of continuing to pressure the government to be efficient, changed to demand more budget to do what the government is supposed to exist for.
   Very soon, the empowered Civil Societies began to use the name Civil Society for the population within their area of influence.
  The idea was accepted immediately by those whom the Revolution left between the always poor and the newcomers to the political scene.
   Civil Society became very active expressing their uneasiness with government doings, although most protests are address against political opponents of the President of the Republic. Unfortunately Civil Society is also lost in the alternate realities created by the Political Class.
   Civil Society do not realize that they were coopted by the government they were willing to oppose.
   Lopez Obrador, the now President of the Republic, has decided to stop transferring public money to Civil Societies. This decision faces a very strong opposition from the so called Civil Society, because they do not understand that such a change is giving them back the freedom to demand the government to assume the roll of provider of security, health, and welfare.
   Civil Societies were very active in providing the services they were pay to do, and kept silence on all sort of acts of corruption of the government, when speaking out could jeopardize their budget.
   They have tolerated corruption, but I do not think it is fair to assign to the Civil Societies or the Civil Society any responsibility in the problems created by the Political Subculture, since they are nothing more than circumstantial victims.
   Leaving politicians as the sole acting force of the political subculture I came to the conclusion that:
   The Mexican politicians are causing most of Mexico's problems by focusing on getting power instead of benefiting people. They are also the only ones with the means to solve such problems.


      Este trabajo fue publicado por primera vez en el año 2017 formando parte del ensayo MÉXICO SIN MENTIRAS y está dedicado a quienes esté...